We come into this World SCREAMING! — Some of us never stop!

The Ability to simple — “Be Quiet” — and listen to the whispering hum of the cosmos— will shed light on your personal journey removing the chaotic fog that sustains the illusions governing your immediate reality.

Jeandre Gerber
8 min readMar 6, 2020
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Every single day, roughly 360,000 new human beings come kicking and screaming into this world in all their placenta-covered glory. Naked, vulnerable, exposed and feeling the “elements” for the first time — oxygen expands the infant’s lungs resulting in millions of neurons firing off at the same time, ultimately culminating in the first ever ‘sound’ emitted by this newborn in the form of crying.

For most people — this is how they entered into this world. Irrespective of the circumstances, the biological processes are pretty much uniform. Of course, when there are complications — the natural processes are interrupted and substituted for mechanical assistance. However, we can safely say that the most people have relatively ‘uncomplicated births’.

When we find ourselves in this “one-dimensional universe” of the infant — we are completely and utterly useless save for our ability to emit loud noises from the large opening on our faces. It’s a very useful skill for a being that cannot feed, clean or take care of itself for several years- [In some cases, more than 40!]

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

“I’m Hungry!” — SCREAM! “I’m Sleepy!” — SCREAM! “I Pooped Myself!” — SCREAM!

In most cases — screaming would summon Mommy or Daddy to come running and frantically dance about the room attempting to interpret the nuances-within the screaming. “Did baby go poopie?!?”

As we grow older and evolve within our universe — we begin to apply context to “things”. However, we won’t be able to effectively communicate until anywhere between a year and two years. Which means — our default “SCREAM” still is one of our most useful tools up until we can effectively express “what’s wrong” and “what’s needed to be done” to improve our immediate situations.

During this phase of our lives — we typically have caretakers that provide us with our basic needs and are meant to initiate us into this crazy little thing called life. They teach us how to feed ourselves, clothes ourselves, wipe our own asses. We model them in our relationships, we work like them in our professions and typically attribute some of our own “shit-fuckery” to them as well.

Yet in a world where ‘things’ are ever moving faster and our caretakers barely have time to take care of themselves — they are bound to ‘drop the ball’ or in some cases —THE BABY!— every now and then.

Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

It is within these momentary blunders — the slip of a tongue, muffled screams of being overwhelmed, a moment of forgetfulness —your infant-self imprints a behavior [or systems of behaviors] that will influence all of your future decisions, beliefs, fantasies, perversions, fears, attractions, and so forth.

We grow into adolescents and then into early-adulthood, being formed by our experiences and stacking new behaviors on top of these primal-infantile response systems.

However, we are creatures of habit — and unless we don’t actively work on “staying nimble” — we tend to become automatic in our behavior. We go on auto-pilot, playing out these automated responses we have acquired from infancy.

  • We SCREAM every time we treat other people like shit
  • We SCREAM when we blame others for the mishaps in our lives
  • We SCREAM when we feel small and vulnerable, hurt and broken.
  • We SCREAM when we feel like we lost control over our lives

Like Infants — we seek comfort in things and people & ideas that mimic maternal warmth & nutrition — not always to our benefit. This could manifest in a number of negative behavioral patterns ranging from substance abuse, adopting religious dogmas, following fringe politics, diverting the problem to ‘other causes’, and let’s not forget violence to yourself or others. Co-dependency, denial, tantrums — many adults are still merely children who’ve learned how to go pee-pee standing up.

Photo by Henley Design Studio on Unsplash

How Shutting Up about Things can Help you Solve them!

Many people who find themselves “knee-deep-in-the-shit” tend to be very good at creating excuses ‘why’ their situation is so shitty and ‘why’ they can’t do anything about it. This isn’t to say that they don’t have a valid reason for being afflicted. Everything these people tell you — is 100% real and ruining their lives at that very moment!

The problem isn’t that they are experiencing these afflictions — the problem is that they are only talking about the affliction and usually very little about anything else.

Their current trauma monopolizes their mental space — not allowing them to focus on making the correct changes in their behavior and perception to evolve beyond their current restraints. They constantly feed the problem and not the solution.

The voice inside their head runs on a continual loop — consistently, reactivating their infantile response mechanisms and overriding all their critical thinking abilities resulting in exasperating the situation even further.

If — even for a brief moment — the individual can take a breather from the constant anxiety tearing at their throats, and clear their head-space they would realize how much of the affliction is of their own design. However, when you’re submerged in a moment of pure chaos — it’s not always easy to learn to still yourself.

Photo by Özgür Akman on Unsplash

Nonetheless, if it wasn’t for these moments of pure chaos in our lives — we would simply stumble along as automatons reacting on infantile imprints gifted to us by our caregivers; who were living as automatons reacting on infantile imprints. In other words, these moments of pure chaos are meant to reactivate these outdated responses, allowing us to re-code our responses to these chaotic moments of future-past.

The only way to recognize these patterns is to stop the one thing that has always given you what you thought you wanted — YOUR SCREAM!

Many people busy themselves to avoid themselves — they don’t like to be left alone with the Infant living inside of them. They know — when everything is done and there are no more commitments to attend to; their inner dialogue will begin digging up their insecurities, shortcomings and in all likeliness — “how much fatter they have gotten since last time they spent time by themselves.”

Yet — if they could only — STOP and BREATHE — and to empty their minds even for the briefest of moments — they’ll be able to discover all of the answers that have always lingering on the tips of their tongues. It might seem like some insignificant action, or rather “in-action”, but the truth of the matter is that by merely taking a small pause can change your entire perspective.

Photo by Matt Noble on Unsplash

We fall victim to our Thought Streams and believe all of the illusions that exist within our mental space. Illusions like;

  • What am I going to do without…[Fill in the blank]
  • My life is over because…[Fill in the blank]
  • I’ll never be able to because…[Fill in the blank]
  • This always happens to me because…[Fill in the blank]

As we fantasize about our misery in great detail, increasing our stress & anxiety levels and reducing our cognitive functionality back to our infant-selves — we immediately resort to our infantile response mechanisms because nobody really taught us how to ‘respond differently’ or we never had the opportunity to change.

However —when we learn to Breathe and Relax and quiet the mind — even if it’s for 5-minutes at a time — we begin to master our attention and learn how to shift our focus to more practical things. Instead of thinking “Why is this happening to me?” you shift your focus to “What can I do to improve my situation now?” One is more functional than the other.

This type of practice is just that — practice. It’s training your mind to follow your intention and not to keep you imprisoned by paying attention to things that don’t bring you closer to your desired state of being. Do these meditative exercises daily, maybe increase your “quiet time” to 10-minutes, 20-minutes, 1-hour?

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

By simple doing this PRACTICAL thing every day — you’ll start becoming aware of your automatic responses. You’ll begin to drown all the voices of doubt, insecurity, self-loathing, anger, depression, anxiety, stress, etc. Our minds are truly powerful reality creating psychobiological-machines that has the ability to run automated programs in a wide array of situations. Understanding how to operate the machinery is key to shifting into a new reality.

What’s the rush?

I’ve heard people tell me, “I just don’t have the time for…[fill in the blank] because of …[fill in the excuse]”, which is another way of saying “I’m so busy I can’t possibly be doing that!”

But let me ask you this; “What’s the point of traveling if you’re never seeing the sights?”

Similarly, what’s the point of all your endeavors if you don’t find time to just — relax and breathe.

We’re so self-involved with our important matters that simply can’t wait because everyone is depending on me and without ME the whole world will stop working because I’m the one that…BREATHE…RELAX…YOUR SCREAMING!

Try — even if it’s only to prove me wrong — to practice some form of meditation or yoga or any type of activity that will still your mind for the next 21 days and keep a journal of all of your problems and feelings. If after 21-days you still feel the same — go for another 21-more days!



Jeandre Gerber
Jeandre Gerber

Written by Jeandre Gerber

Sometimes it takes writing 15,000,000 words to discover your voice only to find out it sounds a ‘little nasal’ — www.jeandregerber.com

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