Unleash the Magick of a Personal or Business Mantra

Jeandre Gerber
4 min readJan 17, 2021


How to Move a Mountain with a Power Mantra — A Closer Look at Audio-Sigils

Stack intention to create a more powerful affirmation!

I believe that every living being is a unique and unrepeatable manifestation of consciousness. There will never be another “you” in this time or space. You will never repeat in this configuration.

Understanding this concept is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s a blissful realization that your life is unique and precious even if you think it’s ‘not all that grand’. You have the distinct pleasure of viewing the miracle that is existence from a completely singular perspective. No one else can see art or hear music as you do. No book or precious word can move two people alike. Our solitary existence is a magnificent expression of consciousness — and this is beautiful.

On the other hand, it also means that your trials, tribulations and oppositions are as unique as you are. While we may share miserable moments with others — the way we experience it is completely different than anyone else. And because of this truth, the only one who has the solutions to the problems you experience — is you!

Fortunately — we aren’t alone in this solitary journey. Other unique expressions of consciousness share this space and time with you. While everyone’s problems might be their own — the solutions can be shared with anyone willing to do the work.

In my personal case, I have found the Power of the Mantra to be particularly effective in helping me overcome — in some cases — extreme difficulties. From financial ruin to moving towards a happier configuration of existence — Mantras can help break through unseen barriers and push us towards new levels of our experience.


So what exactly is a Mantra?

A Mantra according to certain schools of thought is a “magickal, mystical, numinous, religious sound or utterance that is imbued with the divine”. To the more materialistic mind, a Mantra can be something as simple as a short phrase of intent being repeated over and over again — an affirmation of sorts.

“One foot in front of the other” is a Mantra many people have used to push themselves beyond their own physical capabilities — such as running a marathon or something along these lines. On a neurological level — this strengthens neural networks associated with the concept you’re trying to push and actually can bring physical change in a rather quick fashion.

This is because while the mantra is auditory — it is also kinesthetic in the sense that your vocal chords vibrate and not only send sound waves out through the mouth — but also it travels through the tissue and hits the ear drum from “inside” as well — creating a feedback loop.

That’s awesome! How do I make a Mantra?

The technique that I learned was from Peter Carol’s Liber Null & Psychonaut where he briefly mentions the process.

Here’s a quick run down:

1. Select a statement of intent

2. Rewrite the statement phonetically

3. Warp the phonetics to “sound numinous” or “sound divine”.

4. Repeat the Mantra until you forget the initial meaning

Just like a sigil — except, this should be pleasing to the ear as opposed to the eye.

Activating the Mantra

Making a numinous sound is but one part — you have to get your unconscious to take a bite. You can do this through meditation, rituals, or simply repeating the Mantra all day, every day until the original meaning is obliterated from your conscious thought and only the sound remains.


GRATINOS!” — a simple word to allow you to dive deeper into a Meditative state. Experience a Mantra meditation then make your own!


BONUS: A Mantra Hack!

When I create Mantras, I stack affirmations and then rewrite them phonetically. I then smash and change the phonetics until I have one or two words left. This way, I condense the affirmations and have a ‘key word’ of sorts to invoke all the feelings associated with the affirmations.


Mantras, like sigil making — is incredibly powerful if you do the work. You can manifest things similar to how you would with a sigil, except, you can carry the mantra with you, repeat it in your head, use it in your meditations. It’s a tool that lives in your head.

I provided you with the basics of making your own Mantra, but if you don’t feel confident or need some assistance in the process — I have just opened up an option on my website to help you make your personal or business Mantra with the option to help with the activation. It’s essentially a 30-min guided meditation that will invoke certain resources in the unconscious to bind to the numinous sound.

If you have any general question, you can find me on REAL MAGICK DISCORD SERVER or if you simply want to jump ahead of the line and Get Your Mantra Today’ — you can check out my website for more information.



Jeandre Gerber
Jeandre Gerber

Written by Jeandre Gerber

Sometimes it takes writing 15,000,000 words to discover your voice only to find out it sounds a ‘little nasal’ — www.jeandregerber.com

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