Simplicity of in-Sanity
Hallow no hero heaving in hell
Lighten the load; try lending a hand
I wander wondering whether I’m withering
Slandering sins of my somber self
Mesmerizing Memory Maliciously Murdering
Presently Pulverizing Pockets of Joy,
White Flags burning under an unforgiving sun
Lingering Lesions on Lovers’ tongue
Death to the Demons Delivering Doubt
Smothering Smiles with Shadowy Smirks
Wind in my wings, welled-being within
Gratefully God all Grievances Gone
Raze Heaven and Hell
Enjoy opinionated smells
Verify your position
Orchestrate your decision
Live a little
Think s’more
Assess the damage
Negate the lies
Deliver yourself from evil
Break your chains
Enjoy in-sanity
Fly to a new paradigm
Release yourself from your chains
Escape your fiction
Embrace your fate
This Revolution within…