Reality Shifting 101 — A Simple Trick to Shift Your Reality

Jeandre Gerber
3 min readDec 4, 2020


Inherently, the word ‘want’ is a declaration of scarcity in that it is an affirmation of the fact that you do not have what you desire. When you say, “I want this, or I want that”, you are essentially saying, “because I don’t have this, this other thing will fill the hole” and while it certainly could fill the hole — there must be a better way to obtain the things we desire without reaffirming our own lack thereof.

Framing is important because the Creative Unconscious is The Great Manifester of our lives. It sustains the rituals that sustain our current configuration of reality.

In other words, our unconscious minds execute subtle, imperceptible, algorithms [belief systems] that dictates our behavior. This behavior in turn affects our physical environments. As we continue to alter our interaction with the material world — new choices and opportunities arise. Every new decision leads to a slight alteration in your current configured reality.

While you only perceive the 4th dimension in a linear fashion, if you could zoom out and watch time-segmented — a day, week, month, year — you would be able to see how these micro-expressions of the will reconfigure reality around you. And this is a critical key to understanding personal transformation -

What you believe is what you become”

If you believe that you lack — then all you’ll manifest is more of it. And if ‘Want’ is a subtle declaration of scarcity — then a declaration such as “I want X, Y, or Z” becomes counter-productive as it manifests the opposite of what you desire.

So how do we frame ourselves correctly so that our Creative Unconscious manifests what we desire? By behaving like our best selves today…right this instance.
Think to yourself, if you could be living your best life today…what would that look like? What would your days look like? Really think about it — imagine an entire day, from the moment you open your eyes to the moment you close them. How would you live? What would you do? Don’t worry about whether any of this is possible or not — this is the moment to DREAM BIG.

Once you’ve done the mental exercise — identify one thing on the to-do list of your Best Self, and see if you can begin to incorporate it into your schedule today. Start with something simple and work your way up. Before you know it, you’ll be doing everything you imagined your best self doing without ever having to say anything about what you don’t have. If you want to make this exercise even more impactful, do some #breathwork before the time — -> Try this one:

Get an Individual Breathwork Session with Jeandre Gerber Right Now!

Also — I got a Discord Magick Channel called ‘Real Magick’ for anyone interested in shooting the shit with other wyrdoes. I also wrote this piece called “Mastering the Basics of Magick” which people seem to enjoy. It runs along the same vein as this manifestor trick.

Anyhow, I’d love to hear what other tricks there are for shifting realities, perhaps more efficient than this one.

— -

Keep it Wyrd,

“The Beheaded Jester”



Jeandre Gerber
Jeandre Gerber

Written by Jeandre Gerber

Sometimes it takes writing 15,000,000 words to discover your voice only to find out it sounds a ‘little nasal’ —

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