“In the Power of Our Own Choice”

How to find comfort in the chaos of Being Alive!

Jeandre Gerber
3 min readNov 12, 2020

“If we judge as good and evil only the things in the power of our own choice, then there is no room left for blaming gods or being hostile to others” — Marcus Aurelius

Let’s face it, being alive can get quite chaotic at times.

That’s because there is an infinite number of things occurring simultaneously in this very instant — all pushing and pulling on each other, shapeshifting our kaleidoscope-reality. On numerous occasions, we find ourselves in situations we don’t want to be in whether it be a feud with a familiar or circumstances that hinder your happiness or quality of life.

In these times, we may become distraught, clamoring to the gods about “the state of things” or venting on Social Media our opinions — unfriending folks for daring to believe differently. We try to pin it on “someone” because “someone’s got to be responsible for all of this!” Because if they aren’t — then that means that either “I’m responsible” or “no one is responsible” — both of which sends shivers down the spines of a great number of people.

Yet, by stopping for even the briefest of moments, and honestly taking stock of your own “choices” and taking responsibility for whatever falls in your ‘Circle of Power’ — you can stop trying to find someone to blame. The “State of Things” really isn’t your responsibility if you’re being honest. You wield no power in any of the “things” that may be troubling you — unless of course, you do and if that is true, there is “something YOU can do about it” and no excuse for the “thing” to continue as is.

While we may “know this” we tend to forget it when the clutter of every day starts building up. This is why Breathwork, meditation, and any other form of “centering activity” is important. It allows us to leave the issues outside of our control where they belong and removes us from a problem that we have little to no power over.

This isn’t to say that one should not care for the problems outside of our sphere of power, but it does mean that we do not invest as much emotional currency into the issues. We do what we can when we can and nothing more.

YOU — just like me — are living an entirely unique experience. Your life is a singular expression of humanity that will never repeat ever again. Your problems are uniquely yours, as mine belongs to me.

If you’re sitting in a chaotic swirl of existence at this moment, why not take a moment to unplug and breathe — and then, with sincerity and 100% crude honesty ask yourself the following…

Of the situation that is occurring right now, is it really my responsibility to solve? If so, does it lie within my sphere of power or influence? If not, why am I investing so much emotional stock in this situation? Is there a better way to invest my time and energy to manifest the life I truly desire?

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Need a Breath? Try this https://youtu.be/JJDRxdqErt4



Jeandre Gerber
Jeandre Gerber

Written by Jeandre Gerber

Sometimes it takes writing 15,000,000 words to discover your voice only to find out it sounds a ‘little nasal’ — www.jeandregerber.com

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